Surfing the Skies

If you are in a bookstore or aviation shop between now and the next few weeks, look for the December 2013 issue of Airways magazine for an article co-written by yours truly about Surf Air . Surf Air is a new start-up airline based in Southern California flying a fleet of three (soon to be four) six-passenger PC-12s between Northern and Southern California. What makes Surf Air unique is it is a monthly membership based all-you-can-fly airline. Back in August, my co-writer Bill Hough and I had an unique opportunity to experience Surf Air first hand. I will make you buy (or at least read) the magazine for my trip report and to read up about the airline and our interview with its CEO, Wade Eyerly. :) As space in the magazine was limited, I would like to share with you some additional photos from our trip. Surf Air Slideshow