A Look Back at 2016

Whew! It has been a busy final quarter of 2016. In October, I flew on Singapore Airlines’ inaugural non-stop flight from San Francisco to Singapore, on board my first A350 ( Trip Report ). Two weeks after near the Equator in Singapore, I found myself crossing the Arctic Circle in the Yukon. I flew in an Air North Hawker Siddeley HS 748 before they to retire from scheduled passenger service in early 2017. It was also my first flight on the HS 748 (and very well be my only/last flight). Which leads into my final video trip report for the year. The story to go with it was published in the April 2017 issue of Airways magazine . Two weeks after the Great White North, I was back in the Tropics. This time on a real vacation in Maui. All that travel in five weeks! (26,326 total miles) I certainly had a productive year in 2016. Looking back at some highlights: In January, I had a closeup look of the fire-damaged Dyna...